south-west-Pacific (6h interval, 1.4 MByte total) mpeg
central Europe (30min interval, 5 MByte total) mpeg
still frame corrected for perspective and earth radius
Perspective correction was done using an appropriate transformation. This transformation uses some parameters (like view angle of one image) which were fitted with the crosshair grid blended into the Meteosat images.
Meteosat-5 sents about 100MByte of uncompressed (analog) data each day, covering Europe, Africa and
the North Atlantic at various temporal resolutions. Plus relays from the Pacific side of the planet.
Analog frames take 3 minutes each to broadcast with a 1 minute gap between them.
First frame in these sequences is of 28. December 1994, last one is 3. Mai 1995.
Some frames are missing or suffered interference while a new Meteosat was tested.
The central Europe frames are infrared with black areas being the warmest.
Note: Copyright of original images is with ESA/Meteosat/Eumetsat. I would object any comercial use of this data. If you have a commercial interest in using this, please sent me email.