pab optical analysis and ray-tracing
Generally, optical ray-tracing is based on geometrical optics. It works for
practically all reflective (e.g. metal) or transmitting (eg. frosted glass) materials. It offers the power of comparing ideal surface
characteristics with actual material data and thereby supports finding an optimal combination of surface shapes and materials. It is a
bread\&butter tool to achieve advanced and economically sound products with the desired optical feature.
Our ray-tracing services offer the following advantages:
- parallel raytracing on Linux servers get your results faster
- combination of optimizing methods with ray tracing result in optimized surface shapes
- import of complex CAD geometry, so leave the usual conversion problems of 3D data sets to us
- ray visualization and quantitative radiometric results are based on the same 3D model
ray tracing and quantitative results
CAD geometry
| parallel input rays, visualization
| light distribution behind element
(aperture angle of incident light cone: 10°)
perspective view
| orthogonal view
| irradiance at exit aperture
| radiance (far field)
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